Peoples Love Alliance
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The People’s Love Alliance is the world’s largest and most widespread movement in history establishing peace, goodwill and right human relations to heal the Earth and her life forms.
It is composed of 1 Billion people from all walks of life and distributed across every nation of Earth.
We humans are cooperating with each other. We are not isolated nor powerless! Countless acts of individual kindness and organized mass acts of healing and love are performed every day. This awakening force of 1 Billion people needs to be promoted and highlighted in media everywhere.
The People’s Love Alliance inspires hope in a positive future for our world!
The following are some of the internationally active, life-affirming groups within The People’s Love Alliance which are creating the Golden Age of Gaia.
The Golden Age of Gaia
The People’s Disclosure Movement and The People’s Love Alliance are partnering to achieve the Golden Age of Gaia.
So what is the Golden Age of Gaia?
It includes but is not limited to:
- Peace on Earth
- Free, limitless, non-polluting energy
- Elimination of deadly diseases
- New beneficial medical, scientific and spiritual technologies
- Renewed and healthy global ecology
- Harmony between all kingdoms on Earth
- Political structures that actually serve the people
- Global economic system based on sharing resources
The People’s Disclosure Movement and
The People’s Love Alliance need YOU!
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