A huge THANK YOU to ETLetsTalk Member,
Robert Smith for Video Post Production
“Post Production by Star City Studios“
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.

Swami-Beyondananda – Speaks “Beyond the Veil” with Kosta Makreas on ETLetsTalk
There’s nothing better than taking some time on the lighter side of life – enter the wit & wisdom of Swami Beyondananda & his “other-worldly” views on ET & ET Contact – joined by Kosta Makreas, founder of ETLetsTalk & The People’s Disclosure Movement.
A 5th Dimension Deity, Swami Beyondananda phases in & out of 3D as he shares with us what he sees in global events, full disclosure & contact with our Galactic Brothers & Sisters.
Perhaps you’ll find a fresh perspective looking through the eye of the universal mind connected to Swami Beyondananda’s Clown Chakra!
“Sense of humor is our seventh sense that helps us make sense of the other six.”
— Swami Beyondananda
Huffington Post:

Swami Beyondananda
Swami Beyondananda’s
State of the Universe Address:
Time to Shift or Get off the Pot
“Start the world – I want to get ON!”
— Swami Beyondananda
Well, the world didn’t end on Dec. 22, 2012. Talk about an anti-climax.
The shift of the ages happened seamlessly, as the Creator hit Re-Start and the Show got renewed for another 26,000 years.
I don’t know about you, but I’m inspired. I’m like, “Start the world — I want to get on!”
Yes, the shift has hit the fan. And if you’re not a fan of shifting now, you will be soon. The planets and stars have done their part. Now it’s time for humanity to shift our karma out of reverse and get our assets in gear.
“Zen for children: Next time you are on a trip and your child asks,
“Are we there yet?” say “No, we are still here.”
By the time the kid figures it out, you’ll be there.”
– Swami Beyondananda
You can read the surprising story of the first words that ever came out of Swami’s mouth in the e-book,
Wake Up Laughing: An Insider’s Guide to the Cosmic Comedy

Swami Beyondananda
WakeUpLaughing.com | Facebook
Visit his store & find
CDs, DVDs, Ebooks, Print Books, Magnets & other stuff!
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